22 May 2008

Congratulation David Cook

david cook

yeah congratulation David. Cook. i really mean it. congratulation! whoaaa, finally David Cook has crowned! he is the king of american idol for season 7! nothing can makes me feel better than this mann!! haha.. David Cook performances at top 2 got really evil critics from simon cowell, but i think thats just for increasing david cook's vote, so the votes for cook getting more and more that he can wins the american idol. because actually simon has predicted before that david cook will win! and yeaa,, he's right peopleee!! way to go david cook. i am soooooooooo happy for you! the first american rocker. hahaha.. i know from the first time i saw you that you will soar with not only the birds, but with the stars. haha. fly high cook, as high as you can! i really love youu!! cook alway makes me feel he sang directly for me! hahaha. silly i know, but thats what im feeling..

i really love his voice. love the touch of rock in his voice.. sooo sexyy.. haha. matbe sometimes his voice sounds like daughtry's but, thats david cook man! stunning, and really hott!! haha..

keep up the good work, man! theres still longg, long way to go.. i hopoe you can stay and survive in the music industry.

cant you feel the spirit people?

whoaa, im really in love with david cook even more.. gimana nihhh?? okay, keep on rocking cook..

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